Monday, May 28, 2012

Earthbag Arch

We have finished working on the practise wall.  It is very exciting how quickly it builds up.  There is quite a lot of work in the preparation, digging the foundations and filling them with gravel, not to mention the massive job of digging out the site, which RL did by hand, well, with a pickaxe and shovel... So we are now getting ready to start on the store house.
I have been playing around with string and shade netting trying to rig up shade so we can work without burning to death.  But because the landis on a hill with a windmill at the top, guess what?  It's very windy, so as soon as my back is turned my attempts are usually flattened.  The old bender is still standing and I realize how amazing that is.  I guess because it is round, the wind can just whizz by.
We have started eating the potatoes.  Very tasty.  They're not ready to harvest really, but we wanted to try some.
I walked across the big field to where the men were shearing sheep and I asked if I could buy some.  Later in the afternoon they came by with four fleeces, two black and two white, in a huge sack. €20.  Now I have enough wool to make things for years to come!

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