Saturday, August 24, 2013

No man and no dog

 Empty Chair...

Day one of being on my own on the monte. R got into his old Renault Clio and drove off towards England and the apple orchards of Gloucester-shire, yesterday morning. Suddenly the days feel rather mad and without structure... but that's OK. I will settle into it. (I know, I've got a book to finish writing and pictures to paint, etc)

The riding school in the village has a huge pile of horse manure so I asked if I could have some. When she said help yourself I did! I am so happy, filling old feed sacks full and loading the back of my little unsuspecting car and gloating on my luck all the way to the garden. The garden really needs more shit and plants need a lot of water in the summer, so if the soil holds it better and I have lots more mulch, hopefully the tomatoes will be bigger next year.  Yes, there is a feeling in the air of change. It is still summer, but the thoughts are going towards clearing beds and digging over. There is one bed that is doing particularly well, and that is because I loaded it with shit and straw and then covered it with that black growing stuff with holes in it from last year. I then planted stuff or sowed seeds in the holes and hey presto! Stuff grows so quickly and no weeds. I will do a strawberry bed like that under one of the big fig trees and see if I can get year-round fruit.

I am picking loads of tiny tomatoes from the rogue cherry tom plants, and ate a small but delicious cantaloupe melon grown on a heap of bramble brash ('hugelculture'). The courgette plant (I know, only one!!!) has finally started producing fruit. And the aubergines also. Typical that I know have food aplenty and there's just me to eat it. Spicy chutney, perhaps.

Last but actually the biggest bit of news is that dear Ginger went for a wander on Monday and never came back. We went up to Lisbon for the day and when we got back there was no sign of her. I do feel bereft. I didn't really say good bye to her. Such a loyal companion for 16 years. So no dog and no man.  Exciting times.

 I hasten to add that R is returning in November!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing that you do a bit of canning or drying to preserve your food. But then you do have good weather all year or most of the year. I've been filling up my chest freezer with soup, sauces and blanched veggies. Tonight I'm going to use some of the veggies for a stir fry.

    Be well. Jules
