Thursday, September 5, 2013

Still Darn Hot

 A day on the beach with Isabella. That's my idea of 'child minding'.

Thursday, 5th September, 2013

I so seldom write out the full date, or even need to know it, that I hovered over 2013. 2013, I thought, that's a bit further on from 1978. I wonder what I was doing then that my mind should choose that year? Anyway, I am home alone and my mind is wandering around the big empty space of my head and trying to sort out old thoughts and new ones, and maybe even do a bit more writing. It is still too hot to really get my teeth stuck in to the garden, and also I don't know what job to start first. So I have retreated to the house, in the shade, in a nice cool draught, to write up this blog.

The tomatoes are still going strong, and the aubergines and peppers. A few cucumbers cling to the vine, but I am beginning to wind down the watering. Soon I will clear out the beds and get them ready for autumn planting. The figs are beginning to ripen. Big fat juicy green figs.

I keep the chickens locked up most of the time these days as they were turning our patio into a chicken roost. Why is it they like to hang out near us? And eat my flowers? I love for them to range the land, but not come and eat out of my plate.

The weather is changing slightly. There were one or two clouds today. I will have to start thinking about battening down the hatches, in case there is a sudden storm and everything gets battered or blown away. But it's still hot. The beaches and water holes are emptying out of people now that the summer holidays are over. Ah, we get the place to ourselves. It's great that folk come here and have a good time, but it is also lovely when it's just the locals.

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