Saturday, January 12, 2019

A Very Dry Month

There has been no rain for months. It is very dry. Days of endless blue skies and not a cloud in sight. Neon sunsets. Roses blooming and narcissus coming into flower. I long for some damp days and dream of Scotland.

Christmas and New Year have been celebrated in a quiet way due to a very nasty bug going around that got us all, one after the other. I am recovering now.

It's been very cold at night, frost in the hollows. I feel blessed to have a good stove and a stack of firewood.

I am not a very political person and never keep up with the 'news' but I wonder if this 'Brexit' thing will happen and if so, how does it affect us emigrants. I don't want to lose my ties to the old country (which for me is Scotland, not England). I guess we shall find out in the next few months.

New people continue to find their way to our neck of the woods. Young people with children and dreams. I understand their wish for the good life. This is a good place to have a family and grow your own food, etc. I am curious to see how their new energy and input will affect the area. There are more activities, like yoga, pilates, working with modeling clay, zumba. My daughter has started a small play group where children all with different mother tongues come together and play in the sand pit. Rather special. And the kindergarten where my middle grand daughter goes is also multi-lingual. She speaks German with her best friend!

  View to the North West

Let's see what 2019 brings. I am ready for a change of scene!