Wednesday, February 5, 2014


So here is the trench, dug and lined with weed stopper in the weedy bit. It looks tiny, but it's five meters across.  I still don't have enough rocks to make the foundations. I am gathering them while the weather continues wet and muddy. The gravel will have to wait and so will I. I still have lots to do while I wait. Whenever I go for a walk I see potential stones, and then I go off in the car or get the wheel barrow and haul some home.

R has offered to make the door and window for the studio.

I made some trial bricks using mud and sawdust which worked very well.

When I'm not building or digging I sit in the chair R made and look at the lovely view. This afternoon there was a burst of sun and the birds were chirping in that Spring-like way and it felt like heaven. Bonny found some sheltered cabbages to lie next to and snooze (after she bit off the top of the kiwi plant...). I weeded the onions and transplanted some cabbage-type seedlings.

R had laid down a huge sheet of black plastic over six months ago and yesterday I took it off and started to dig... All the bramble weeds are dead and most of the couch grass, and the soil is quite easy to dig, even though it's quite steep!!!  I am making long strips so I can grow a bigger crop of onions or beans, for storing. Most of the beds in the vege garden are a bit pidley for large crops. I am now excited about putting the black plastic down in the bit of land next to it. It is such a good way to get the ground usable without resorting to chemicals, and you can use it over and over.

The nectarine tree has bright pinck flowers coming out all over.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Veronica, So inspired by your cob house ! Am about to start on my own little studio here in Normandy, and wondered if I could bother you for a little info re trench. My building will be similar in size to yours or a little smaller, and am wondering how thick you built your walls. Obviously a lot warmer in Alentejo,but... I was reckoning on about 16/18 inches..? Am using handsculpted house ( my little bible).., and will be working on my own , at least to begin, and by hand .. Its really great what you've achieved . Love your spirit! Thank you so much , and all the best for the 'extensions' - super grand! Wonderful , Warm regards, Camilla
