Saturday, June 27, 2015

Boiled Brain Can Hardly Write

Sitting in the shelter from the worst of the heat of summer. It has been 38 degrees all day and Sweat trickles down the body like tickling flies. Just keep drinking water and going into the tank for a bit of total immersion. Ah, to sit still and feel the coolness begin to penetrate the skin. To watch the wasps drink thirstily at eye-level. Laundry takes about 15 minutes to dry!

Isabella came to stay.

Here are some pictures of the studio with shade netting and weed barrier in the outside eating area, to keep the dust down. Looks and feels great. And the inside is so cool. It's a huge relief to go inside. I've been letting other people have the pleasure of staying in it and it is POPULAR! Even the cold shower.

1 comment:

  1. Here in Normandie, we have really had no real Summer weather yet. My roses are flowering a month behind their usual time and many plants are still slowly emerging from the cold clay soil. On the up side though this is shaping up to be a good year for soft fruit. Your shaded area is a really good idea and looks really welcoming. Most people on holiday seek the sun but the people who live in the places they visit have time to seek the shade. I spent a lot of thought on getting a tree/rose canopy established in our garden so as to provide adequate shade for growth and comfort. Though this year, as yet, it has not been so important! All the very best, Sue
